Scholars are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 2000 characters (spaces included) in PDF format. Deadline for submission is May 22, 2022.
The submission must be done through EasyChair at:
In order to help us in producing a uniform e-book of abstracts, we kindly ask you to submit the source file, possibly using this LaTeX template (.tex), of your Extended Abstract by following this format (.pdf). Please, do not forget to upload your abstract also as a .pdf file.
Recall that required informations include: title, authors, affiliation (for each author), institution address (for each author), e-mail address (for each author).
Please check that the abstract length is below 2000 characters, with at most five references and one to five keywords.
Prospective participants can also propose not only single papers, but also entire sessions, that can share thematic interests or methodological communalities. In this case, please indicate the name of the Chair responsible for organizing the session.